Severity ratings for usability reviews

A quick reminder of severity ratings – these ones are adapted from ‘Usability severity codes’ in Usability & Technical Documentation, Xerox Corporation, July 1995. One point to remember – if you are developing applications for internal use in an organisation, you can often downgrade the severity of issues as there is no competition if users […]

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A nice way to place items in order

I saw this nice use of Flash while taking part in the BBC’s Big Risk Test. This question asks you to place various everyday activities in order of risk. The designers save you time here by automatically inserting the items in a tidy way while indicating exactly where you originally placed them (a line is […]

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Extreme remote usability testing

I recently carried out some remote user testing using my firm’s video conferencing facilities. Usually when I do remote testing, I phone the test participant and proxy on to their screen to see what they are doing. That’s easy to do, but of course you can’t see their facial expressions. This time we’d thought we’d […]

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Evaluating the Apple iPad

Now, I’m quite sceptical when it come to Apple computers. Fans of Apple usually claim that they are easier to use than Windows PCs, and some people I know who’ve never even used one also repeat these same received truths (Kudos to the Apple marketing department!). However, I’m not aware of any serious peer-reviewed research […]

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