Playing Top Trumps with UX

Do you remember the card game Top Trumps, where you beat your opponent’s hand with a card that outranks it in some capacity? Well, in UX you can play a version of this where instead of carefully crafting the visual weight and placement of each element in your design to take into account the relative […]

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Severity ratings for usability reviews

A quick reminder of severity ratings – these ones are adapted from ‘Usability severity codes’ in Usability & Technical Documentation, Xerox Corporation, July 1995. One point to remember – if you are developing applications for internal use in an organisation, you can often downgrade the severity of issues as there is no competition if users […]

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Widget for impatient readers

This little flag tells you how much time left to read till the end of the article. I don’t know if it’s pandering to people with low attention spans, but I like it anyway. See it in action here:

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